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    17 11-2021


    Prakualifikasi Pengadaan Proyek Pinjaman Luar Negeri Penguatan Infrastruktur e-Government

    Kategori Pengumuman | mth

    Project Name:Procurement of the Strengthening of E-Government Infrastructure Development of a Data Center in The Jabodetabek Area Project (the GOI Data Center Project)

    Event ID Number:GOI DC 1J2021



    17th November 2021

    Reference No.


    01-GOI DC 1J2021

    Deadline for Submission


    3rd December 2021 at 06.00 P.M. (Jakarta time)






    Directorate General of Informatics Application of Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia (MCI) as the Buyer, has received indicative financing from Government of the French Republic (GOF) toward the cost of Strengthening of E-Government Infrastructure Development of a Data Center in the Jabodetabek Area Project (“the GOI Data Center Project”).

    Prequalification is open to French company, either individual ones, or in joint venture or in consortia.

    In the upcoming bidding process, only prequalified companies from this prequalification process will be invited to bid and will be evaluated accordingly. 

    The following key qualifications may participate in the GOI Data Center bidding:

    1. Have minimum average annual turnover of Euro 200 million calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or under execution over the last four (4) years.
    2. Have participated in at least three (3) contracts that have been successfully or substantially completed within the last five (5) years and that are similar to the proposed contract (data center/IT server industry). The similarity of the Bidder’s participation shall be based on the physical size, and/ nature of works, and/  complexity, and/  methods, and/ technology or other characteristics which will be evaluated in Prequalification process.

    This prequalification process including document submission is conducted electronically through  https://goidc-procurement.kominfo.go.id and interested applicant must send a Letter of Intent (as attached) in order to access the prequalification documents to :

    For the Attention: The GOI DC Bidding Committee

           (The Bidding Committee for Strengthening of E-Government Infrastructure   Development of a Data Center in The Jabodetabek Area Project)

    Address: Directorate General of Informatics Applications, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Government of Republic of Indonesia /GOI

    Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9 Jakarta 10110, Main Building at 3rd floor

    Email: goi.dc.bc@kominfo.go.id

    Any requests for clarification about the contents of the Prequalification documents, shall be sent by the email specified above no later than 4:00 pm (Jakart time) 23rd November 2021 with Subject: GOI DC 1J2021– Clarification. No phone calls will be accepted.

    Answers to questions/inquiries will be posted https://goidc-procurement.kominfo.go.id. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Prequalification applications, Bidding Committee may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by Applicants, modify the Prequalification Application and its attachments by amendment.

    Completed applications as per the requirements stated in the Prequalification Documents are to submit not later than 3rd December 2021 at 06:00 p.m. Jakarta time.

    Please note that this invitation is not to be construed in any way as an offer to a contract. This invitation to Prequalification does not entail any commitment on the part of contract, either financial or otherwise. The Bidding Committee reserve the right to accept or reject any or all submission without incurring any obligation to inform the affected Applicant of the acceptance/rejection ground.

    We look forward to receiving your application and thank you for your interest in this Project. 


    The GOI DC Bidding Committee


    Attachment 1. Invitation for Prequalification (GOI DC)

    Attachment 2. Letter of Intent on Prequalification (GOI DC)


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