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    08 06-2022


    Private Electronic System Operators Registration Guideline

    Kategori Pengumuman | mth

    In 2020, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia established Regulation of Minister of Communications and Informatics Number 5 of 2020 on Private Electronic System Operators, which is the implementing regulation of the Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 on Electronic System and Transaction Operations.

    Provisions on the registration of Foreign ESOs under this ministerial regulation includes:

    1. ESO category 
    2. ESO registration requirements and procedure 
    3. the ESO data modification 
    4. issuance of Registration Certificates 
    5. administrative sanction imposition and normalization

    This guideline contains information for Foreign ESOs registering for the first time on Online Single Submissions (OSS-https://oss.go.id). It explains the requirements needed and the procedure for registering the Private ESO. This guideline also provides information on how to input data on additional Electronic System and modify data on the Electronic Systems of the Private ESO that has registered before. The said data modification includes the general overview of the ESO.

    Complete guideline can be downloded here

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