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    16 08-2011



    Kategori Regulasi | admin

    The spectrum Frequency of Radio was limited natural resources that had the strategic value in the implementation of the telecommunications and dikuasi by the country. The utilisation of the Spectrum of the Frequency of Radio as these nature resources must be carried out in an orderly manner, efficient and in accordance with his allocation so as to not cause the damaging disturbance.

    The spectrum Frequency of Radio was the composition of the tape of the frequency of radio that had the frequency smaller from 3000 GHz as the electromagnetic unit of the wave vibration crept and was received in space (airspace and the space). The Indonesian allocation of the Spectrum of the Frequency of Radio was determined with referred to the International allocation of the Spectrum of the Frequency of Radio for the territory 3 (religion 3) in accordance with the Radio Regulation that was determined by the International Association of the Telecommunications (THAT). The national Indonesian table of the allocation of the frequency was compiled was based on results of the Final of Act World of Radio Communication Conference-1997 that took place in Geneva, in November 1997.

    The Indonesian allocation of the Spectrum Frequency of Radio was taken from references below :

    1. Artikel S5, Frequency Allocation, Radio Regulation dan Final Act-World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC)-1997, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), The Allocation table was translated in Indonesian.
    2. The Indonesian table of the Allocation of the Spectrum Frequency of Radio, the first edition, 1996
    3. Determination of the Maritime, the Flight and the Broadcast of the Frequency in Indonesia
    4. The determining of the Frequency of the Service Continue To in Indonesia
    5. AFMS Database (Automated Frequency Management System)

    As the note that to this table did not include the use of the spectrum of the frequency of radio for the interest of the military.

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