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    23 08-2018


    Ministry of Communications and Informatics Annual Report 2017

    Kategori Laporan Tahunan | brs

    The development and advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has penetrated every walks of our life. In fact, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become an integral part of people’s life. The rapid development of technology has put a new face to Indonesian economy, by transforming its conventional economy to digital economy.
    In order to strengthen Indonesia’s digital economy, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (MCI) focuses on the development of infrastructures to fulfill its role in providing equal access to information in all regions in Indonesia. For the border areas in particular, the Ministry provides support to their startups, Micro Businesses, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), farmers, and fishermen in efforts to increase their welfare by the use of ICT.
    The digital era has also brought change in the licensing system.In this area, the Ministry of Communications and Informaticsbecomes the leading sector by putting forward fast, easy, and transparent service, through the one-stop integrated service (PTSP), registration of electronic system operators (PSE), and licensing in the area of Telecommunications.
    The Ministry of Communications and Informatics plays the role of not only the regulator but also facilitator for the implementation of programs outlined in this Ministry of Communications and Informatics Annual Report 2017. It is expected that this report would serve its best at providing beneficial source of information for every party.
    We hope that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics would maintain its commitment to put forward programs which have immediate benefits for the people as well as promote those of informatics society empowerment programs.

    Download Ministry of Communications and Informatics Annual Report 2017 here

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